School and youth groups can explore the Gallery’s collections, buildings, and exhibitions on guided or self-guided visits. All groups must register at least three weeks in advance.

Guided Visits

Guided visits are led by Wurtele Gallery Teachers, Yale graduate students who are trained as museum educators. Such visits stress critical thinking, observation skills, and creative evaluation through close examination and discussion of works of art and meet Connecticut Core Standards. Teachers and group leaders are encouraged to choose one of the five special themes listed below, which can be explored in up to three areas of the museum. The themes can be tailored to all ages. The visits can connect to school curriculum and can be adapted for all subject areas.

Schedule Your Visit

Guided school and group visits typically last one hour and may be scheduled to take place Tuesday through Friday at 10:00 am, 11:15 am, 12:30 pm, and after school, based on availability. Reservations are available November through August and must be made at least three weeks in advance.

Submit the registration form to request a guided group visit

Group Size

Guided visits can accommodate a maximum of 45 people per hour. Within the galleries, groups are divided into smaller groups of 10 to 15, and one chaperone is required per every smaller group.


There are no fees for groups. Please bring a copy of your confirmation letter on the day of your visit.

A group of young visitors sit on the floor looking at a large, colorful painting. A young visitor stands near the painting while a teacher sits to the side, gesturing to the painting.


The Art of Looking: Elements of Art

Through formal observation and creative evaluation of paintings, sculpture, and other objects, students learn to discover the multiple meanings of art. Students in The Art of Looking discuss and compare the formal elements (color, value, line, shape, form, texture, and space) and materials of each of the objects viewed, and they are encouraged to explore the various meanings and interpretations of any given work of art.

Place and Time: Understanding History and Culture through Art

In this lesson, students learn about different cultures and historical periods through the study of works of art. In Place and Time, objects are explored in both their artistic and social contexts, resulting in a deeper understanding of history and cultures around the world. This lesson can easily be adapted for specific requests.

Expression and Gesture: Body Language and Mark Making

In Expression and Gesture, students explore emotion in art through analysis of form, figure, and gesture. Students discuss how artists use body stance, facial expressions, and hand gestures to depict subjects from the past and present in paintings and sculpture.

Writing about Art: The Language of Art

In Writing about Art, students explore how artists and writers tell stories. Through a visual exploration of mood, setting, plot, and character, students articulate the narrative aspects of works of art at the Gallery. Lessons may include point-of-view or descriptive writing or drawing.

The Museum: The Building, Display, and Design

The Museum is designed to help students understand the role of the museum in our culture. Students may focus on how art is displayed in various contexts, highlighting the decisions made in a museum.

Self-Guided Visits

If your group prefers to visit the Gallery without one of our teaching staff leading the tour, you may also schedule a self-guided visit. Scheduling your visit helps us ensure that the galleries and collection areas you want to see will be available to you.

  • Self-guided visits can be scheduled Tuesday through Friday at 10:00 am, 11:15 am, 12:30 pm, and after school as well as Saturday and Sunday between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm.
  • All groups must register at least three weeks in advance.
  • Acceptance of your reservation request is based on availability.
  • Groups who show proof of registration at the Information Desk will have priority in the galleries.
  • Unregistered groups may be asked to return at a later time.

This policy is designed to provide a pleasurable learning experience for everyone and to ensure the safety and security of both museum visitors and art objects.

Submit the registration form to schedule a self-guided group visit

Group Size

Teachers and group leaders may schedule a self-guided visit for a maximum of 45 people at no charge. Within the galleries, groups must be divided into smaller groups of no more than 15, with one chaperone per every smaller group.

School and Youth Group Registration Form

Guided visits can be scheduled from November through August. Self-guided visits can be scheduled all year. Acceptance of your reservation request is based on availability.
Select Visit Type

Group Contact Information

Group Contact

Date and Time of Visit

List three dates and start times in order of preference. We offer tours Tuesday–Friday at 10:00 am, 11:15 am, and from 12:30 pm–3:30pm. On Saturday and Sunday, we offer tours from 11 am–12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm–3:30 pm.

Note: We are closed on Mondays. Guided class visits are not available in September or October, but self-guided visits can be scheduled all year.

Themes and Collection Areas


Choose one theme
Collection Areas

Collection Areas

Choose up to three collection areas for your tour in addition to a theme. For self-guided visits, indicate the collection areas you plan to tour.

Additional Information

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    Professional Development

    Take part in our Teacher Leadership Program or design your own professional-development day or workshop. 

  • Two visitors look closely at a case filled with small objects. One visitor is seated in a wheelchair and the other stands behind, pointing at a work of art


    Accommodations are available to ensure that all visitors have an enjoyable experience.

  • Calendar


    Join us to listen, learn, and engage with art in person and online.

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    After-School Programs and Classes

    Learn about programs available to groups who wish to visit the museum outside scheduled school hours.