In addition to their work in the studio, conservators engage in research, teach classes and workshops, and collaborate with other professionals in the field.

About Conservation

Working in collaboration with curatorial staff, the department undertakes appropriate conservation procedures on individual objects to the highest-possible standards in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Conservators examine and analyze objects in the collection to inform treatment methods and further teaching, scholarship, and research. Conservation treatments avoid compromising future research potential of objects. 

Conservators investigate materials and techniques using microscopy, X-radiography, X-ray fluorescence, and infrared reflectography. More advanced methods of analysis are coordinated with the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage at Yale University’s West Campus Collections Center and other laboratories. Examination and treatment documentation is thorough and stored in formats that ensure long-term preservation. 

The department partakes fully in the Gallery’s mission to teach and disseminate knowledge. Courses in conservation, connoisseurship, and technical art history are taught using the Gallery’s collection and facilities.

A women in-painting losses on an art frame

Irma Passeri, the Susan Morse Hilles Chief Conservator

Conservators at Work

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Learn about the conservation history and restoration plan for Ralph Earl’s painting of Roger Sherman.

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