Teaching with the Collection

We welcome and encourage faculty and teaching fellows at Yale and other colleges and universities to incorporate sessions at the Gallery into their courses. All course visits must be registered in advance.

The museum supports teaching across a wide range of disciplines, departments, and programs at Yale and beyond. Faculty often work with Gallery curators and educators to draw out content connections, as well as to develop strategies for strengthening critical skills and thinking dispositions. Class visits build community among students and introduce them to the Gallery as a vibrant resource.

Benefits of Object-Based Teaching and Learning Methods

Engaging with art objects can stretch students to think in new and creative ways about subject matter introduced in the classroom. A well-chosen work of art can offer a common point of entry into a complex topic or can provide a concrete example with which to explore or apply abstract concepts. Gallery visits are conducive to innovative pedagogical approaches that engage students across their multiple intelligences and can train them to be analytical observers, agile thinkers, and empathetic individuals.

To learn more about teaching with the collection, email yuag.acadaff@yale.edu.

Plan Your Course Visit

All course visits must be registered in advance. Complete the form to request a visit.

Curators and educators are available to advise faculty and teaching fellows on selecting objects and designing course visits. Gallery staff can consult on crafting assignments using the collection and can provide specialized pedagogical training.

Exhibitions and Permanent-Collection Galleries

The majority of university class visits take place in the galleries with works on view from our permanent collection and in special exhibitions. These visits can be guided by Gallery staff or self-guided by course instructors. Portable stools are available. Classes of more than 15 students must be divided into smaller groups to ensure the safety of the objects and a positive learning experience for all.

A group of five students gaze at a display of four intricately carved ivory and graphite elephants tusks mounted on a gray case.

Object-Study Classrooms

University classes may view objects from storage in our object-study classrooms, which are available by reservation. Requests for objects from storage are reviewed by curators and require at least one month’s advance notice. Each classroom is equipped with a computer, wireless Internet access, a projector, and a screen.

The Gallery also has spaces dedicated to the study of works from specific collection areas at its main location in downtown New Haven and at the Collection Studies Center at Yale West Campus, in West Haven. Find more information about these spaces under Related Content.

College and University Course Visit Form

Complete and submit this form at least three weeks prior to your requested visit date. Acceptance of your reservation request is based on staff and gallery availability.
Select Visit Type (check one)
(Gallery staff member facilitates the visit)
(Instructor leads the visit)
(only for viewing objects that are not currently on view)
(for viewing photographs, prints, and drawings)
(please specify below)
If you have a preference for a specific guide, please provide the educator's or curator's complete name.
Select Group Type (check one)

Course Information

Is this a Yale course?
Course and Contact
Teaching Fellow Contact
If there are multiple sections for a course, provide the head teaching fellow’s name here and include the full name and email address for each TF, as well as the date and time for each section in the “Additional Information” field below.

Date and Time of Visit

Faculty are strongly encouraged to schedule their visits during museum hours, though exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Collection Areas

Collection Areas

Indicate the collection areas you are interested in visiting.

List of Collections
To find objects for your visit, use our online collection search. Select the “Availability” filter tab on the search page to help identify works that are on view or available by appointment. We strongly encourage you to select objects within these two categories.
Is this your first visit to the Gallery with this course?

Additional Information

Is this your first visit to the Gallery with this course?

Related Content