Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention Artist: Unknown

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Color offset lithograph


sheet: 31 × 42 in. (78.7 × 106.7 cm)

Credit Line

Gift of Elyn and Peter MacInnis

Accession Number



People's Republic of China (1949–present)


Note: This electronic record was created from historic documentation that does not necessarily reflect the Yale University Art Gallery’s complete or current knowledge about the object. Review and updating of records is ongoing.



Acquired in China by Helen MacInnis and Donald E. MacInnis (1920–2005), Brunswick, Maine, about 1974 [see note 1]; by descent to their son Peter MacInnis, Providence, RI, about 1974; given to the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., 2022

Note 1: Helen MacInnis was a secondary education instructor of Chinese studies and Donald MacInnis was Director of the China Program, National Council of Churches in New York, Midwest China Center at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, and Coordinator for China Research of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, in Maryknoll, New York. Many of the posters in their collection were acquired during a 1974 visit to China (letter from Peter MacInnis to the Gallery, December 2021, curatorial object file)
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Object/Work type

offset lithographs


毛主席语录: 我希望用三大纪律八项注意教育战士,教育干部,教育群众,教育党员和人民。 Mao’s Quote: I want to use “Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention” to education soldiers, cadres, the masses, the party members and the people.\r\n(Eight Points below)\r\n说话和气 Speak politely.\r\n买卖公平 Pay fairly for what you buy.\r\n借东西要还 Return everything you borrow.\r\n损坏东西要赔偿 Pay for anything you damage.\r\n不打人骂人 Do not hit or swear at people.\r\n不损坏庄稼 Do not damage crops.\r\n不调戏妇女 Do not take liberties with women.\r\n不虐待俘虏 Do not ill-treat captives.\r\n(Three Rules of Discipline below)\r\n一切行动听指挥 Obey orders in all your actions.\r\n不拿群众一针一线 Do not take a single needle or piece of thread from the masses.\r\n一切缴获要归公 Turn in everything captured.\r\n

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