unbound pages from a book showing African Art

Rights and Reproductions

The Gallery participates in Yale University’s open-access policy and makes available thousands of images of public-domain works in its collection for immediate download. No permission to use images of public-domain works is required. Simply search the collection, and click the “download” link beneath the image you would like to use.

You can download a presentation-size image or a full-size, publication-quality image.

Full-size image:
full page: tiff, 2249 x 3000 px, 300 dpi, 8-bit color, 19.34MB

Presentation-size image:
full screen: jpeg, 1439 x 1920 px, 110 dpi, 0.48MB

In support of Yale’s open-access policy, we hope that students, scholars, artists, and anyone interested in the collection will freely use the Gallery’s resources for presentations and publications, as well as for personal enjoyment.

Sheets of paper lay in front of a printing press

Photography Requests

Due to a high volume of photography requests, our response to your inquiry will likely take up to 12 weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

To request images of works that are not yet available online or to request digital files in sizes and formats beyond those offered for download, complete the request form.


Rights and Reproductions Department
Yale University Art Gallery
P.O. Box 208271
New Haven, CT 06520

Updated: March 2023

Rights and Reproductions Request Form

All orders are processed on a first-come, first served basis.

Select One
Contact Information

Request Details

Select All Photography Formats Needed
Select All Permissions Needed

Publication, E-book, or CD-ROM

Please provide one copy to the Yale University Art Gallery when published.
Enter a number from 1 to 10

Exhibition Publicity

Please provide one copy to the Yale University Art Gallery when published.


Film or Television

Enter a number from 1 to 10

FTP delivery message

All files are delivered via FTP unless otherwise requested

Provide any additional information that can aid us with your request

Object Information

We give permission for the use of photographs of objects in the collection taken by Gallery photographers or Yale University staff photographers only. Regretfully, some objects are presently unavailable to be photographed.

Your request can include up to five objects. 
Enter medium and accession number for the object
Enter medium and accession number for the object
Enter medium and accession number for the object
Enter medium and accession number for the object
Enter medium and accession number for the object

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    Individuals and groups can view the collection in a number of study centers, rooms, and archives in downtown New Haven and at the Collection Studies Center at Yale West Campus, in West Haven.

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    Contact Us

    To contact a staff member or department, check the Gallery’s directory.