Odd Volumes showcases a selection of experimental and innovative works of book art from the 1960s to the present, drawn from a major collection given to the Yale University Art Gallery by Allan Chasanoff, B.A. 1961. An introduction by Gallery director Jock Reynolds considers the book’s changing role in society and is followed by several brief essays that explore the transformation of books into sculptural objects from multiple perspectives: the history of book art, the relationship between form and content, and the interaction between the viewer and the work. The lavishly illustrated catalogue offers both full images and details of more than 100 objects and also includes an interview with Chasanoff, who discusses his views on digital technology and the collecting process. In keeping with the innovative spirit of the collection, the unique design of the catalogue makes it a work of interactive book art in its own right.
Odd Volumes: Book Art from the Allan Chasanoff Collection

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2014 First Place, Books, New England Museum Association Publication Awards Competition
2014 50 Books/50 Covers: Celebrating Book Design, Design Observer