Brooch from the "Compression" Series Maker: Deborah Aguado (American, born 1939)

ca. 1980

American Decorative Arts

Not on view

While tinkering with a piece of sheet metal, Deborah Aguado became entranced by the movement of light and shadow across its slightly distorted surface. Her Compression series refines this ethereal optical play, with the ghostlike quality of the shapes seen in the metal creating poignant reminders of the fleeting nature of memories. Aguado delighted in making this series of spontaneous compositions, a departure from her work with gemstones and natural materials, and gilded her favorite pieces.


Gilt brass


2 × 2 1/4 × 1/2 in. (5.1 × 5.7 × 1.3 cm)

Credit Line

Gift of the Susan Grant Lewin Collection

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20th century


Note: This electronic record was created from historic documentation that does not necessarily reflect the Yale University Art Gallery’s complete or current knowledge about the object. Review and updating of records is ongoing.



The artist, New York; sold to Susan Grant Lewin, New York; given to Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., 2021
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