Into the Woods with Edvard Munch and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

A woodcut showing tall trees with pale blue trunks and green tops against a purple background and sky. Small figures walk on a path through the trees. The style of the print is rough and expressionistic.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Windswept Firs (Wettertannen), 1919. Woodcut printed in purple, blue, and green in technique akin to monotype. Collection of Nelson Blitz, Jr., and Catherine Woodard

Landscapes loom large in the work of both Edvard Munch (1863–1944) and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880–1938). Munch returned again and again to the curving shoreline of the Oslofjord, the forests of his native Norway, his garden at Ekely, and the coastal village of Warnemünde, where he sought water cures and rest. The natural world also provided physical and psychological respite for Kirchner, who received treatment in the mountains northeast of Frankfurt, then in Kreuzlingen on Lake Constance, before settling in the well-known resort town of Davos, Switzerland. The landscapes to which the artists looked are spaces of melancholy, loneliness, and physical separation but also of healing, interconnectedness, and vitality. Join Freyda Spira, the Robert L. Solley Curator of Prints and Drawings, for an examination of the wooded landscapes of these Expressionists. Offered in conjunction with the exhibition Munch and Kirchner: Anxiety and Expression. Generously sponsored by the Martin A. Ryerson Lectureship Fund. 

Gather by the Public Programs sign in the Gallery lobby. 

Space is limited.