Carrie Mae Weems and Kara Walker: Imaging Histories of Enslavement

Kara Walker, Exodus of Confederates from Atlanta

Kara Walker, Exodus of Confederates from Atlanta, from the portfolio Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), 2005, offset lithograph with screenprinting. Richard Brown Baker, B.A. 1935, Fund

Join Jenna Marvin, Marcia Brady Tucker Fellow in the Department of Photography, and Elissa Watters, Florence B. Selden Fellow in the Department of Prints and Drawings, for a conversation about the works of Carrie Mae Weems and Kara Walker. In Weems’ series Slave Coast and Walker’s portfolio Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), the artists grapple with the history of enslavement and its ongoing manifestations in American society today. Generously sponsored by the Martin A. Ryerson Fund.

Live closed captions in English will be available.

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