Opening Lecture, First Teachers Balance the Universe

Marie Watt (Seneca), First Teachers Balance the Universe, Part I: Things That Fly (Predator) and First Teachers Balance the Universe, Part II: Things That Fly (Prey), 2015. Reclaimed wool blankets, embroidery floss, and thread. Yale University Art Gallery

Marie Watt (Seneca), First Teachers Balance the Universe, Part I: Things That Fly (Predator) and First Teachers Balance the Universe, Part II: Things That Fly (Prey), 2015. Reclaimed wool blankets, embroidery floss, and thread. Yale University Art Gallery, Janet and Simeon Braguin Fund. © Marie Watt

Join us for a lecture celebrating the opening of the exhibition Place, Nations, Generations, Beings: 200 Years of Indigenous North American Art. Marie Watt, M.F.A. 1996, is a cross-disciplinary artist working in sculpture, printmaking, textiles, and collaboration. Watt is a citizen of the Seneca Nation. The title of her lecture, “First Teachers Balance the Universe,” references the role animals play in Seneca and Iroquois cosmology, and more broadly contemplates human relationships with the natural world, animals, and the environment. Watt discusses her work and practice, her time at Yale, and the exhibition.

Generously sponsored by the Martin A. Ryerson Lectureship Fund.