E-Conversation, Photography as Contemporary Art, Then and Now

How Photography Became Contemporary Art book cover.

Cover of How Photography Became Contemporary Art: Inside an Artistic Revolution from Pop to the Digital Age (Yale University Press, 2021)

As the longtime observer of photography and contemporary art and former New York Times critic Andy Grundberg details in his new book, How Photography Became Contemporary Art: Inside an Artistic Revolution from Pop to the Digital Age, photographs were virtually absent from the practices and discourses of contemporary art until the 1960s. Over the following two decades, camera images took center stage in art and art criticism; by the 1990s, photography was a key medium for artists seeking to make work about their individual and cultural identities. But what purposes does photography serve for artists today, and what is its legacy for contemporary art as we now know it? Grundberg is joined by John Edmonds, M.F.A. 2016. The conversation will be moderated by Katherine Boller, Senior Editor for Art and Architecture at Yale University Press and the editor of How Photography Became Contemporary Art. Offered in collaboration between Yale University Press and the Yale University Art Gallery. Generously sponsored by the Martin A. Ryerson Lectureship Fund.

Closed captions will be available in English.

Please note: this program will not be recorded.

Registration will be required; to register, visit https://bit.ly/3fV5DNB.