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The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, October 19, 1781

Artist: John Trumbull (American, 1756–1843)

Yosemite Valley, Glacier Point Trail

Artist: Albert Bierstadt (American, born Germany, 1830–1902)

The Peaceable Kingdom

Artist: Edward Hicks (American, 1780–1849)

The Peaceable Kingdom and Penn's Treaty

Artist: Edward Hicks (American, 1780–1849)

Renouvelé de Turenne. (Memories of Turenne.), pl. 131 from the series Actualités (News of the Day) from the journal Le Charivari

Artist: Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879)
Printer: Destouches (French, active 1855–1869)
Publisher: Arnaud de Vresse (French, 1814–1871)

Cutwork picture (Peace with Content)

Artist: Unknown

Peace, pl. 8 of 9 from the series Virtues and Vices

Engraver: Zacharias Dolendo (Dutch, 1561–ca. 1604)
After: Jacques de Gheyn II (Dutch, 1565–1629)
Publisher: Jacques de Gheyn II (Dutch, 1565–1629)

Materi vsego mira, borites' za mir! (Mothers of the World, Fight for Peace!)

Artist: Viktor Ivanov (Russian, 1909–1968)
Publisher: Iskusstvo (Moscow & Leningrad, active 20th century)

My trebuem mira, no esli tronete . . . V. Maiakovskii (We Demand Peace, but If You Provoke . . . V. Mayakovsky)

Artist: Viktor Koretsky (Ukrainian, 1909–1998)
Printer: 24-ia litografiia OGIZ RSFSR tresta "Poligrafkniga" (Leningrad, active 20th century)
Publisher: Iskusstvo (Moscow & Leningrad, active 20th century)

My za mir! I pesniu etu ponesem, druz’ia, po svetu! (We Are for Peace! And This Song We Will Carry, Friends, throughout the World!)

Artist: Viktor Koretsky (Ukrainian, 1909–1998)
Printer: 3-ia tipografiia "Krasnyi proletarii"
Publisher: Iskusstvo (Moscow & Leningrad, active 20th century)

My stoim za mir i otstaivaem delo mira. I. Stalin (We Stand for Peace and We Defend the Cause of Peace. I. Stalin)

Artist: Boris Belopolsky (Russian, 1909–1978)

Vneshniaia politika SSSR—politika mira (The Foreign Policy of the USSR—A Policy of Peace), from the series Vystavka podgotovlena kabinetom sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh nauk Vyshei partiinoi shkoly pri KPSS (Exhibition Prepared by the Cabinet for Socialist-Economic Science of the Higher Party School of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

Artist: Yuri Pimenov (Russian, 1903–1977)
Artist: V. Sinitsyn (Russian(?), active mid-20th century)
Printer: Leningradskaia fabrika ofsetnoi pechati "Glavnoligrafproma"
Editor: S. Beisbish
Publisher: Gospolitizdat

Khraniu pokoi strany rodinoi! (I Preserve the Peace of My Homeland!)

Artist: Mikhail Soloviev (Russian, 1905–1991)
Printer: Tipo-litografiia gosplanizdata
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo"

Za mir i schast'e vo vsem mire! (For Peace and Happiness throughout the World!)

Artist: Vera Livanova (Russian, 1910–1998)
Printer: 1-ia Obraztsovaia tipo-litografiia Gosizdata (Moscow, active 20th century)
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskii khudozhnik" (Moscow, active 20th century)

Pust' siiaet solntse mira! (Let the Sun of Peace Shine!)

Artist: Vera Livanova (Russian, 1910–1998)
Printer: Moskovskaia tipografiia No. 5 Glavpoligrafproma
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskii khudozhnik" (Moscow, active 20th century)

Chto ne rydala v gore mat’, my mir klianemsia otstoiat’! (So That Mother Will Not Wail in Grief, We Vow To Defend the Peace! )

Artist: Viktor Koretsky (Ukrainian, 1909–1998)
Printer: Moskovskaia tipografiia No. 5 Glavpoligrafproma
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskii khudozhnik" (Moscow, active 20th century)

Mir—mai (Peace—May)

Artist: Unknown
Printer: Kalinskii poligrafkombinat Glavpoligrafproma (Kalinin, active 20th century)
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskii khudozhnik" (Moscow, active 20th century)

Solidarnost'. Mir. Druzhba. (Solidarity. Peace. Friendship.)

Artist: Unknown

Za mir, demokratiiu, sotsializm! (For Peace, Democracy, Socialism!), no. 9 of 12 from the series V pomoshch' khudozhniku-oformiteliu I organizatoru nagliadnoi agitatsii №6. 1980: pamiatnye i znamenatel'nye daty (To Assist the Graphic Designer and Organizer of Visual Agitation №6. 1980: Memorable and Significant Dates)

Artist: Ruben Sur'ianinov (Russian(?), born 1930)
Printer: Tipografiiia izdatel'stva "Kommunard"
Author: L. Makarova (Russian(?), active mid- to late 20th century)
Editor: N. Shubina (Russian(?), active mid- to late 20th century)
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Plakat" (Soviet)

Net gonke vooruzhenii! (No to the Arms Race!)

Artist: F. Kagarov (Russian(?), active mid- to late 20th century)
Printer: Tipografiia izdatel'stvo Tat. OK KPSS
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Plakat" (Soviet)

Net—neitronnoi bombe (No Neutron Bomb)

Artist: S. B. Raev (Russian(?), active late 20th century)
Printer: Kalinskii poligrafkombinat Glavpoligrafproma (Kalinin, active 20th century)
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Plakat" (Soviet)

Mir (Peace ), no. 2 of 12 from the series Glavnaia tsel' sovetskoi vneshnei politiki—bezopasnyi i spravedlivyi mir dlia vsekh narodov (The Main Goal of Soviet Domestic Policy—A Safe and Just World for All Peoples)

Artist: E. Chisarikova (Russian(?), active mid- to late 20th century)
Artist: L. Chisarik (Russian(?), active mid- to late 20th century)
Printer: Tipografiia izdatel'stvo "Zoria"
Editor: N. Zhurba (Soviet)
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Plakat" (Soviet)

K 200 godu—bez iadernogo oruzhiia! (By the Year 2000—a World without Atomic Weaponry! ), no. 6 of 12 from the series Glavnaia tsel' sovetskoi vneshnei politiki—bezopasnyi i spravedlivyi mir dlia vsekh narodov (The Main Goal of Soviet Domestic Policy—A Safe and Just World for All Peoples)

Artist: E. Vitols (Russian(?), active late 20th century)
Printer: Tipografiia izdatel'stvo "Zoria"
Editor: N. Zhurba (Soviet)
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "Plakat" (Soviet)

Mountain Torrent Beneath Pines

Artist: Tokuyama Gyokuran (Ike no Gyokuran) (Japanese, 1727–1784)

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