Words for Images: A Gallery of Poems


Edited by John Hollander and Joanna Weber

Both a literary celebration of the Yale University Art Gallery’s collections and a field guide of literary inspiration, this handsome volume features 22 specially commissioned poems written by Yale-educated poets and the 20th-century art that inspired them—works by Pierre Bonnard, Salvador Dalí, Alberto Giacometti, and more. Contributors include J. D. McClatchy (on Walker Evans’s Lexington Avenue Subway, 1938–41), Jonathan Aaron (on Kurt Schwitters’s Merzz. 19, 1920), and Rika Lesser (on Sylvia Plimack Mangold’s Opposite Corners, 1973). Each poem is printed alongside a reproduction of the work that inspired it and is followed by commentary by curator Joanna Weber and English professor and poet John Hollander.