Siberian Provisional Government, 1 Ruble Treasury Note, 1918 Manufacturer: Siberian Temporary Government
Magistrate: Supreme Ruler Aleksandr Vasiliyevich Kolchak

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Credit Line

Transfer from the Yale University Library, Numismatic Collection, 2001

Accession Number



20th century


Note: This electronic record was created from historic documentation that does not necessarily reflect the Yale University Art Gallery’s complete or current knowledge about the object. Review and updating of records is ongoing.


Obverse Description

Obverse Description: Background of the note is a classical facade with four vertical columns with Corinthian capitals; In architrave at top of the facade, "KANZACHEYSKIY ZNAK SIBIRSKAVO VREMENNOVO PRAVITEL'STVA"; In l. and r. portion between columns lay double-headed eagles; Beneath each eagle lies serial number "SERIYA-A 102"; Between two central columns lies plaque with text; In central plaque at the top, "ODIN RUBL'"; Below this text in small print, "KAZNACHEYSKIY ZNAK OBMENIVAETSYA GOSUDARSTVENNYM BANKOM SIBIRI NA GOSUDARSTVENNYE KREDITNYE BILETY"; Below this text in smaller print, "UPRAVLYAYUSHCHIY" and "KASSIR" with respective signatures; Below central plaque in base lies "1918" in plaque. Note is beige.

Reverse Description

Reverse Description: Decorative border along edges; In central medallion lies emblem with double-headed eagle above two fox holding arrows before a curtained facade, surrounded by circle of repeating "1 RUBL'". To the l. of central medallion in small plaque lies "1" behind text "RUBL'". To the r. of central medallion on small plaque in very small print, "1. KAZNACHEYSKIY ZNAK OBEZPECHIVAETSYA VSEMI GOSUDARSTVENNYMI TSENNOSTYAMI NAHODYASHCHIMISYA V RASPORYAZHENII SIBIRSKAVO VREMENNAVO PRAVITEL'STVA / 2. IMEET HOZHDENIE NARAVNE S GOSUDARSTVENNYMI KREDITNYMI BILETAMI / 3. OBYAZATELEN K PRIEMU VSEMI PRAVITELSTVENNYMI I OBSHCHESTVENNYMI UCHREZHDENIYAMI I CHASTNYMI LITSAMI / 4. PODDELKA PRESLEDUETSYA ZAKONOM."


Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn., by 2001; transferred to the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn., 2001
Object copyright
Additional information

Object/Work type

Russian ruble, money, paper money

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